Gamestarter’s Strategic Roadmap: Nodes, IGOs and More

Published onAugust 7, 2024
Gamestarter 가입

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모든 게임을 위한 하나의 지갑, 멀티 체인 솔루션
+930K 사용자

Many game Indie developers dream of creating Web3 games with unique stories, immersive worlds, and captivating plots. However, these spaces have been reserved for top game studios due to latency issues or the high cost of developing Web3 games. 

GameChain is designed to revolutionize the gaming industry. It empowers indie game developers to create games effectively and immerses gamers in new stories and worlds. GameNode is at the heart of this network and is essential for GameChain’s operation and functionality.

Our Node sale went live in early May/late June. However, given the market condition, we have decided to make a few changes. Here’s a detailed breakdown:


Overview of the GameNode Sale & Refund

With the changing market condition, we have made a few changes which will impact the existing plans. However, this new change was done with our Node holders in mind:

What does the change mean for the people who bought the Node?
A full refund will be issued back to the purchase wallet within the upcoming 3 days. The received kickback will be deducted from the refundable fee to balance the final sum

What is the new approach we’re taking?
NODE keys will stay and will be used to claim rewards and get access to the Gamestarter product suite. Unsold NODEs will be distributed fairly.



  • Launch of Game ID NFTs claim. (End of August)
  • Game Launcher Launch on WIN and MAC  (End of August)
  • Game Social goes TON!  (Mid of August)
  • Game Pad new IGOs  (End of August) 
  • NODE’s fair claim and staking for activation.  (September)

    More updates and announcements are coming soon!

What’s a GameNode?

Think about your favourite blockchain and imagine how it operates. It functions as a decentralized, distributed logbook with records in blocks. Each node in the blockchain maintains a copy and validates new transactions.

This helps with efficiency, network bandwidth, and security protocols, enhancing scalability, speed, and resilience against attacks.

GameChain operates similarly to your favourite blockchain but is optimized for Web3 games. At the same time, a GameNode represents a fundamental network component that participates in activities on GameChain, serving as a cornerstone for its operation and governance.

Each node is a staked node key, which drives the network by validating transactions, securing the network, and ensuring the integrity of the blockchain. The three core aspects of GameNode are:


Transaction Validation:

GameNodes validate transactions, ensuring they adhere to network protocols and consensus rules. This includes verifying transaction signatures, preventing double-spending, and checking compliance with network standards.


Block Production: 

GameNodes participate in block production and create and validate new blocks, which are added to the blockchain after successful validation.


Network Security:

By participating in the consensus mechanism, GameNodes help secure the network against attacks and maintain its decentralized nature.

Imagine if there were no nodes on GameChain; it would make the chain vulnerable and could lead to similar problems as the 51% attacks on Ethereum. In 2019, the 51% Ethereum Classic attack occurred. Attackers somehow controlled most of the network’s power and caused over $1.1 million in losses.

Without nodes to validate transactions and maintain the blockchain’s integrity, GameChain would become highly vulnerable to similar attacks, leading to operational halts, compromised security, and an overall loss of trust and functionality.So, each GameNode holder is responsible for the overall functionality of the network. They hold the forte. If you want to learn more about GameNodes, click here.


How to Set up a GameNode

GameNode is the heartbeat of GameChain, and it is crucial in ensuring everything ticks, Indie developers build seamlessly, and gamers have an excellent experience. You need a Game key to operate a GameNode, participate as a validator and become useful for both Indie developers and games on the network.

A Game Key is a soul-bound NFT token intrinsically linked to its owner, ensuring secure and personalized access to node validation capabilities. Acquiring a Game Key equates to obtaining a license that grants permission to participate in the Gamestarter network’s validation activities.

Purchasing a Game Key does not involve buying any tangible hardware. Instead, you will mint the Key, which will be soul-bound tokens for the first year. Twelve months after launch, they will become transferable NFTs that can be traded.

However, owning a game key does not automatically make you a validator. To become a validator, you must follow the activation, compliance and verification process. The activation process involves staking $GAME tokens within your node. This stake signifies your commitment to the network’s health and qualifies you to earn rewards for your validation efforts.

To ensure the integrity and security of the GameChain network, validators must complete a series of compliance checks, which include KYC Verification and OFAC Sanctions. If you want to learn more about how to set up GameNodes, click here

GameNode Holders: Roles and Rewards

GameNode Holders hold the forte. With their help, new Web3 games with unique stories, immersive worlds, and captivating plots will be built, and every other aspect of GameChain will thrive.

The potential of Web3 gaming and the demand for top games drive a new narrative that focuses on the player. Andrius Miron once said in an interview, “Digital assets and the digital identity of the player should belong to the player; by using play to earn and other mechanisms, games can now share value with players.”

GameNode Holders ensures transaction validation, a smooth playing experience, and a safe ecosystem for every player and developer building on GameChain. And they receive rewards for their contributions in several ways:

  • $GAME Tokens: A primary form of reward is distributed in $GAME tokens to Holders
  • GameChain Rewards: Holders also receive rewards from various projects launched on the GameChain platform, diversifying their earning potential.
  • Transaction Fees: Holders earn a portion of the transaction fees generated within the network. Up to 35% of total transaction fees, including the earnings from game asset transfers and token swaps.

$GAME token is one of the rewards to GameNode Holders, and it is central to the ecosystem; it powers GamePad, GameID, GameSocial, GameHub, GameStore, GameScanAI, and GameChain.


New $GAME Token Utility

The $GAME token will continue to serve as the native token for all GameStarter products while maintaining its functionality as a launchpad token. During the network migration, its role will expand to support various products within the network;



$GAME tokens will be utilised to support product launches on GamePad; this will also help to increase the token holder value

$GAME token Use Case on GamePad:

By staking $GAME tokens, users unlock access to Initial Game Offerings (IGOs), democratising opportunities usually exclusive to venture capitalists and IDOs. This arrangement affords $GAME network supporters early and favourable investment opportunities.

Capital is secured when $GAME tokens are staked, giving holders early access to purchase new gaming tokens. This strategic advantage gives $GAME token holders a significant edge in the market.



GameID was built to transform account management in the Play-to-Earn ecosystem, effortlessly connecting with Web3 gaming platforms, and $GAME tokens play a pivotal role.

$GAME token Use Case on GameID:

$GAME tokens will be used to make payments for GameID services based on the Monthly Active User (MAU) metrics. This arrangement allows developers to link their earnings with player involvement.

This method of payment ties costs closely to user engagement, aiding in the stabilisation and adaptability of game economies to real user activity levels.



GameHub is a central game hosting and downloading hub that uses $GAME tokens as its main currency.

$GAME token Use Case on GameHub:

$GAME tokens facilitate the financial aspects of hosting and downloading services, ensuring a smooth operation for deploying and accessing games.



GameStore employs the $GAME token in its NFT Marketplace regarding transaction activities related to games and in-game assets.

$GAME token Use Case on GameStore:

Transactions within the NFT Marketplace will be made using $GAME tokens to streamline the buying and selling processes.

By utilising $GAME tokens, GameStore integrates the gaming community’s economic activities into a cohesive, blockchain-backed ecosystem, enhancing transaction ease.



GameScanAI offers a vital AI-driven anti-cheat solution to uphold fairness in gaming.

$GAME token Use Case on GameScanAI:

Access to GameScanAI services is granted through $GAME tokens, which are priced based on usage. Thus, the anti-cheat solutions are both affordable and adaptable.

The token-based economy will sustain ongoing precision in anti-cheat technology, promoting a fair gaming environment.



GameSocial enhances community engagement by offering interactive social quests and project promotions, making the experience rewarding.

$GAME token Use Case on GameSocial:

By participating in GameSocial, users earn $GAME tokens, which boosts player retention and promotes the ecosystem’s growth.



GameChain widely employs $GAME tokens throughout its system for various operational purposes.

$GAME token Use Case on GameChain:

Transaction fees for transfers, swaps, and other blockchain activities within the GameChain are managed using $GAME tokens. These tokens are essential for the smooth processing of these transactions.

$GAME tokens also incentivise network validators, helping maintain the network’s security and effectiveness. This ensures a stable and dependable infrastructure for all games built on this platform.

$GAME token will be uniquely used across different products on GameStarter, and it is a critical economic instrument within the ecosystem. This integration aims to streamline, improve, and secure the blockchain gaming environment.

If you want to learn more about $GAME token, click here


GameNodes are pivotal to the GameChain network, the all-in-one hub for Web3 gaming. They enable indie developers to create amazing games and gamers to enjoy immersive Web3 games efficiently. This will change the Web3 gaming space with new games and stories to be played.

By validating transactions, producing blocks, and securing the network, GameNodes ensure the seamless functionality and security of GameChain, enhancing the user and developer experiences.

The Gamestarter ecosystem is intuitive and was built to scale web3 games; it’s not only about GameChain and GameNode, with other solutions like GamePad, GameHub, GameScan GameID, and GameSocial, web3 gaming as we know it is poised to take on a new scale. 

Read more about the Gamestarter ecosystem here.

관련 기사


Web3 Gaming: Is it Game Over?

Gamestarter™, GGXYZ™ ,Dark Frontiers™, OverTrip™, PixelPix™
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