


What is $GAME?

The Gamestarter ecosystem is centered on the $GAME token, a BEP-20 token that enables holders to stake and earn rewards. $GAME serves as the foundational currency for the platform and its associated projects, acting as the primary medium for initial decentralized offerings (IDOs) and other transactions within the Gamestarter ecosystem.

Holders of $GAME enjoy exclusive access to a range of benefits within the Gamestarter network. These benefits include privileged entry to launch events and opportunities to engage with the indie games launched on the platform. By using a unified wallet management system, users can own in-game assets, participate in social quests, receive airdrops, and access exclusive community offers. Additionally, $GAME token holders can become node validators and engage with the NFT marketplace, further enriching their involvement in the ecosystem.

Useful information

  1. Currency Name: Gamestarter (BEP-20)
  2. Date of ATH: 11/15/2021
  3. All-Time high (price): $3.5008
  4. Circ. Supply: 30,420,970 (30%)
  5. Total Supply: 100,000,000
  6. Contract Address: 0x66109633715d2110dda791e64a7b2afadb517abb (the current contract address is for the BEP-20 $GAME tokens)
  7. Block Explorer:
  8. Exchanges: Uniswap, Pancakeswap, and

Gamestarter™, GGXYZ™ ,Dark Frontiers™, OverTrip™, PixelPix™
는 등록 상표입니다. 모든 권리 보유.
다음 국가의 참가자/시민은 IDO에 참여할 수 없습니다: 이란, 이라크, 벨라루스, 리비아, 수단, 시리아, 짐바브웨, 미얀마, 북한, 크림, 러시아 연방, 미국 (USA), 푸에르토리코, 버진 아일랜드 및 기타 미국 소유지 (“금지된 관할 구역”).

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